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The Posture Blog

Posture correction is the key to longstanding recovery from many physical complaints. Whether it is a runner with knee pain, a footballer with hip pain, a back pain, neck pain or chronic headache sufferer or someone with recurrent referred symptoms into their arm and hand.

In all too many clinics long term postural correction is either done poorly or missed out entirely – this can be due to inexperience of the clinician but is most often due to the time pressure that the clinician is under. So many Physio appointments are only 30-40 minutes and Chiropractic appointments can be as little as 10-15 minutes.

At DiY Physio long term postural change underpins nearly every treatment and also dictates why most of our treatment sessions are 1-hour long. The next few posts will look at the complexity of postural dilemmas along with the relatively simple strategies to improve them.