Standing posture is a little more complex than sitting posture however it also causes many fewer problems simply due to the fact that fewer jobs require prolonged standing. The most common jobs where standing posture becomes an issue are in retail, kitchens and some specific machine operating jobs. The 3 […]
A huge number of jobs require many hours of sitting and using a screen. So posturally it is absolutely vital to understand how to make the best of this forced, prolonged sitting situation. For some technical anatomical reasons (that we dont have space for here) the most critical consideration when […]
Low back posture What defines good low back posture depends on what we are doing – whether we are sitting, standing, walking, running, cycling etc. However in all cases we are trying to put our lumbar spine (low back) into the most neutral position that is possible and then maintain […]
There are 4 steps to long term postural correction: Next we will look at low back posture and how to improve it.
All good (and bad) posture starts low down and works its way up. So if you have collapsed arches in your feet, or you have a difference in leg lengths (more common than you might think) then every structure higher up is forced into making an adjustment – hence we […]
Posture correction is the key to longstanding recovery from many physical complaints. Whether it is a runner with knee pain, a footballer with hip pain, a back pain, neck pain or chronic headache sufferer or someone with recurrent referred symptoms into their arm and hand. In all too many clinics […]
Yes DiY Physiotherapy is open and has been throughout the holiday period. Back Pain and Neck Pain of a chronic or complex nature are the conditions that we see most. We are also open for all sporting injuries and post operative conditions such as Total Knee Replacements and fractures. Feeel […]
So having gone from crippling back pain to running a double marathon in just a few months Joe sets off for the ‘Kosciuszko 100’. The Kosciuszko 100 is 100kms up and down Mount Kosciuszko and through the surrounding mountains and ravines … in the middle of summer. I am no […]
… So against my advice, and just a few weeks after getting relief from the multi-level disc bulges and unstable spondylolisthesis that had been a constant in his life for the previous 4-years, Joe runs the Sydney marathon. On a stinking hot September day he runs the 42km and to […]
So 18 months ago Joe was in constant pain and had been for 4 years. He had given up a career as a professional soccer player and also as a pro boxer. He came to DiY Physiotherapy with low expectations and an MRI scan that showed multiple low back disc […]