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Posture Blog No 6 Standing Posture

Standing posture is a little more complex than sitting posture however it also causes many fewer problems simply due to the fact that fewer jobs require prolonged standing. The most common jobs where standing posture becomes an issue are in retail, kitchens and some specific machine operating jobs.

The 3 most common issues are 1. A lateral shift of the lumbar spine (low back), 2. An anterior tilt of the pelvis leading to a hyper lordosis (Sway back). This is magnified by wearing heels of any height, or 3. A posterior tilt of the pelvis leading to a hypo-lordosis (Flat back).i

The lateral shift can be the most complex to address as this can come from flat feet, a leg length discrepancy, scoliosis or a disc bulge.

The pelvic tilt problems can be fixed with some muscular retraining. In all instances short term relief will be found simply by moving.