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Posture Blog No 5 – Saddle Chairs

A huge number of jobs require many hours of sitting and using a screen. So posturally it is absolutely vital to understand how to make the best of this forced, prolonged sitting situation.

For some technical anatomical reasons (that we dont have space for here) the most critical consideration when sitting is the relative height of our knees when compared with the height of our hips.

If our hips and knees are at about the same height – as they are when using most standard chairs – then it is difficult to maintain good posture for more than about 20 minutes and it is pretty much guaranteed that we will be in a bad, slumped spinal posture for the majority of our working day.

If, on the other hand, we arrange for our knees to be significantly lower than our hips when sitting we can sit in good, neutral low back posture almost indefinitely. So how does this magic occur? Well we invest a couple of hundred dollars in a saddle chair and we learn how to use it effectively. – The image accompanying this article is actually a guy sitting on a saddle but you get the idea.

Then add to this a multi-position standing desk that is used correctly and we have most of what we need to maintain good spinal posture throughout the working day.